In appreciation of my grandfather's act, he was given the seat next to the rabbi.

Andrei Spira
Date of birth:
Smaranda Vultur
May 2002

I also had an uncle named Kubicsek, who was the bank manager and owner of the Discount Bank (Banca de Scont). He studied and honed his skills in Constantinople. And after his return to the country, he established the Discount Bank, which shared the building with the Central Library, in Unirii Square. The Serbian Diocese was there and, in the opposite corner, was the bank of my uncle, Kubicsek Oscar. My maternal grandfather had about eight children. He had a large warehouse of wood and planks and an Easter cake factory, which he sold; with the money from it, he contributed to the construction of the Iosefin Synagogue. He was rewarded with... I'm not sure if you are familiar with the structure of the synagogues: as you enter, the altar is in the front, and the Torah is in the centre. The rabbi sat on the right side, and the cantor on the left side. In appreciation of my grandfather's act, he was given the seat next to the rabbi.

(Who was the Rabbi?) Schück. At that period, another rabbi served in Cetate, Drexler. And Singer, in Fabric. There was yet another rabbi, a bigot; those from Cetate and Fabric were Neologs.

(And the one from Iosefin, was he a Neolog?) Half; he was not one hundred percent Orthodox, but he was more so than the others, who were more, shall we say, emancipated.

Vultur, S., coord. (2002) "Memoria salvată. Evreii din Banat, ieri și azi", Iași: Polirom Publishing House

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