Mixed marriages cultivate your democratic sense and tolerance towards other people.

Aramaș Roma
Date of birth:
Roxana Pătrașcu

Out of the Jewish families that lived in Caransebeş, a few went to Israel, but the big families went to Canada, for instance, the Pollak family; or to Germany. The Grünberger family went to Venezuela, and others-to Australia or America.
... Back to the Jews: because a lot of people are xenophobic and persecute the Jews, considering that all evil comes from them, I want to mention that their prayers are very beautiful. The Jew does not bother God with prayers, with requests, saying "God give me health, make me succeed...", but only says: "Lord, if Thou wantst, if Thou thinkest me worthy enough to help me, please help me, but be it Thy will." This I know from the prayer books.
Somewhere, however, humanity must be grateful to the Jewish people, because they are the forerunners of Christianity.

For a mixed marriage to succeed, you need either a lot of understanding or a lot of common sense. Mixed marriages cultivate your democratic sense and tolerance towards other people; and there is even more joy in the family because the customs of one race meet the customs of the other race. I come from a mixed marriage, and I am pro this kind of marriage.

Vultur, S., coord. (2002) "Memoria salvată. Evreii din Banat, ieri și azi", Iași: Polirom Publishing House

The stories of the Jewish community

Read the testimonies of three generations of Jews and  discover the sinuous destiny of this community