If you are Jewish, oh, mister, the world immediately bows down to you. You are smart.

Victor Bergler
Date of birth:
Getta Neumann

Have you suffered from anti-Semitism?

... With my hand on my heart, I can say I have not felt it in my neighbourhood, Iosefin, and not even further where I went in Romania, wherever I was in Romania. On the contrary, being Jewish is very trendy nowadays. You are much appreciated. If you are Jewish, oh, mister, the world immediately bows down to you. You are smart. Jews are always the smartest and the dumbest. Some qualities are now acknowledged; being Jewish is now fashionable. Contrary to fifty, sixty, or seventy years ago, when being Jewish was very bad. That's it. The world is changing.

People value me very much because I am Jewish. When people hear I am Jewish, aaah... And then they take me into all sorts of discussions. You know what, I won't have this talk with you on national issues. If you want to ask me about the history of the people, we will discuss; but this... just to say that I am good, and you are bad... I will not do that, because I strongly believe that it is the other way around. So that's it.


The stories of the Jewish community

Read the testimonies of three generations of Jews and  discover the sinuous destiny of this community